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Transform a Player into a Professional Athlete - Ali's Words

Every coach tries to find the formula that can transform a player into a professional athlete, in my decade-long experience I learned that often the key was hidden in the athlete’s own mind and as a coach, my job was to unlock their source of motivation and confidence.

From players who have now signed professional clubs to toddlers who kick for the first time - the most evident differentiating factor is not always their talent and skill but their psychology. That’s why at TFA every team works with our in-house psychologist, Venessa - who pays personal attention to resolving mental barriers and self-doubts that might hinder the player’s performance.

I have witnessed the fascinating transformation of players after a session on psychological exercises and affirmative workshops. Like everything in life, Football too needs the right attitude - too confident or unsure about pressure, and even the best players can freeze at a critical moment. It is critical for an athlete to attach meaning, purpose, and joy to the sport that they pursue and I believe that it is possible only by exercising the most important muscle - their BRAIN.

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